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Category Companies

What does this category?

category companiesTeam roster must be minimum 5 competitors to be at least one girl. The ranking is calculated by arithmetic average of the cumulative time 5 concurenți (where there are several team representatives, we consider the first 4 During times of boys and girls face or the first time, if more).

Such competitors from the same company will benefit from an individual ranking, but also by top companies. It is important to note that those who decide to participate in this category, they must be classified in the age and/or gravel categories (can not be assigned to categories Tandem, Couple, Family, Elite Elite Female or Male).

How can you register for this class?

Each individual team member completes the registration form and select the company they work.
We pay individual fees (collective payments will be made a bank transfer) and the company 400 Law in the account:

  • RO02UGBI0000132014804RON Bank Guarantee, Nomad Sports Club Multisport (benefit), CIF 29441005
  • If necessary tax bill will send a request by email: info@nomadmultisport.ro

After the payments were made, a company representative will submit a list of all participants by the organizer. At enrollment / participation kit lifting competitor / competitors will have to present a certificate giving notice that the participant working at the company (a collective certificate is accepted).
A very important is that by the time the 18 more, now 12:00 those who also participate in this category should send the complete list to the address info@nomadmultisport.ro with the name of each participant and the additional fee to be paid in advance. We need this information for final validation teams. If you do not send this list, Subsequent complaints will not be taken into account. It is the competitor's responsibility to check the list of participants if all team members have been entered correctly. If a participant fails to select its result the company may not be taken into account when making rankings. As mentioned above further appeals will not be considered.

What are the benefits of participation for companies?

  • Making an outdoor teambuilding activities for employees;
  • Supporting sports and encouraging active lifestyles among employees;
  • Supporting the promotion of cycling as a means of recreation.
  • Carrying out preparatory training together

The prizes for the teams that will climb the podium consist of a trophy/cup, medals and products / vouchers from sponsors.

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