Home / Registration Package 2013

Registration Package 2013

Package of 2013 competition first getaway package
ยป Number of competition
ยป Chip timing
ยป 4 Bride plastic / number of mice caught in front of the bicycle handlebars and cables;
ยป 1 Capri-Sonne Pack-shot
ยป 1 Portia de pasta (there 3 types and for vegetarians)
ยป 1 tricou de finisher
ยป 1 medalie de finisher
ยป 1 diploma de finisher
ยป 1 Escape first bike sticker
ยป 1 reflective – MERIDA
ยป 1 key-lanyard – MERIDA
ยป 1 voucher 10 euro to purchase bracelets Safe Sport ID
ยป 1 IsoGel of High-5
ยป 1 Chio stiksuri box
ยป 1 puncture of Chio Chips
ยป Astoria complex free entry for both competitor and his family
ยป Voslauer in water supply points and finish
ยป banana, glucose, Wafer, portocale in cele 2 power points and finish
ยป Bike Wash
ยป medicala housekeeper traseu if finsh pe
ยป service in food and breech points platoon
ยป changing rooms in supply points
ยป participarea the tombola
ยป reductions in the discount page

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