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Author Archives: Florian Raducanu

Your photos from the First Escape 2024

Photos from First Escape 2024. This year first Escape begins with the first photograph taken at spyder your photo right after you pack up contest. Don't forget to download your memories from the First Escape 2024 and make your own album, story on Facebook and Instagram. To download pictures to your computer, faceți click dreapta sau țineți apăsat ...

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Congratulations on another successful Escape!

You were fantastic and thank you! The results from the First Escape are online and you can see your time from the intermediate points, but also to download the diploma of participation. From there, you can also share your result on Facebook and Instagram. Photographers make considerable efforts to process pictures as quickly as possible. We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts: sponsors, partenerilor si comunitatilor locale ...

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How friends and companions get to the finish line

Beloved, we have another great news. From this year, competition day, so that families can reach the finish line more easily and more eco-friendly, and to return to Bucharest whenever you want, you will have a permanent bus line between the Astoria Complex and Piata Presei Libere. Line 447 a fost suplimentata si o sa circule ...

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Important: Chip Timing for First Escape

crenometrere first chip escape

As in previous editions, and in 19 More 2024 Chip timing will be recoverable sites, and on the route there will be points for reading them. The timing is done through Hungarian company EvoChip. To get a correct position in the ranking, please follow the following guidelines: Catching chip: la înscriere fiecare concurent va primi într-un plic un ...

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Together with CST Tires at First Escape 2024

We are excited to announce our continued partnership with CST Tires! “Where Passion Meets the Ground” CST Tires, a reference name in the bicycle tire market, returns as a reliable partner, offering a wide range of products to meet the needs of both professional cyclists, as well as amateurs. CST Tires stands out for its excellent quality and affordable price, oferind ...

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The new participant t-shirt from Prima Evadare

We are happy to present you the official t-shirt for participation in the First Escape contest. We are sure you will love it and want to wear it even during the race. However, we recommend you wear it at the finish for something more comfortable or the next day when you go to work. This year, tricourile voluntarilor ...

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Your First Escape medal 2024 is ready!

Pregătiți-vă pentru o nouă medalie de neuitat! La această ediție, avem o surpriză specială dedicată naturii minunate care ne înconjoară și ne protejează. Medalia va include elemente ce simbolizează frumusețea potecilor și a codrilor din zona Vlăsiei. Pe ea vor fi reprezentate cu măiestrie râurile Vlăsia, The bucket list, Pasărea și Snagovlocuri pline de poveste pe care le veți străbate ...

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Voluntary premium Evadare

For those who want to be part of the event and don't have a bike, or you have but want to volunteer, we invite you to sign up using the form below. We have everything, registration activities, targeting at checkpoints, gave water and cut bananas at the feeding points, photo, platoon closer, activities on the route, instalare zone de ...

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Picking up the participation package for the First Escape 2024

Starting Friday, 17 More 2024 now 13:00 – 20:00 | 18 More 11:00 – 18:00 you are expected at Greenfield Plaza Baneasa to pick up the registration package. The address is: Greenfield Plaza Baneasa, Padurea Neagră Road 2a, București 014044 – DIRECTII Citeste aici programul Prima Evadare! Înscrie-te la Prima Evadare Cum se ajunge: BICYCLE: about anywhere, following map next. Este si foarte aproape ...

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