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The start of the contest in Bucharest and gives a distance of approximately 55km sthey walk through meadows, fields, lakes, satay, areas in the old forests of Vlăsia and historical places, arrival being on Lake Snagov.

The route also connects different historical areas/monuments such as the Battery 3-4 from the Fortification Belt of Bucharest made by King Carol. It passes through the courtyard of the Ghica Palace in Moara Vlasiei, next to the Mauriciu Blank Mausoleum in the Băneasa Forest.

The route is permanently maintained, but it will be better marked before the competition and we recommend it training – at least 2 outputs longer on rough terrain (forest roads or field) at the pace of the competition.
For training and outings, you can also go on segments or loops from the nomad-trails.ro trail network, where there are also 3 LOOP (mic, environment, big and very big) Press Evadare.

The current route has little changes compared to last year. A small detour to the Otopeni farm because the bridge has disappeared and we are trying to restore it, and the A0 detour that is made on the adjacent gravel road and on the segment prepared for bad weather, Telegraph Road. It's a green road, beautiful, next to the railway and the old telegraph poles.

At the moment, the route is discreetly and sufficiently marked from the start to CP9. There are still old markings after CP9, but be careful, we have friends you know who erase the markings in certain areas and you can orientate yourself by GPS or by the spots of black paint applied over the official markings of the route.

Nomad Trails

The current route variant is this:
In format strava: https://www.strava.com/routes/3219200616841912686

View in google maps format and if you get lost you can click here for localization.

To save the map and be located in real time, log in to your Google Maps account, open the map on your computer, tap the star to save it to favorites, then you can view the map from your phone, in the Google Maps application – the Favorite.

The route in GPX format can be downloaded from here

The TCX format trace can be downloaded from here

You can find the approximate and training routes on nomad-trails.ro

Sitemap Home Escape 19.05.2024

Sitemap Home Escape 2023



The most likely route for good weather in 2023 and which can be traveled now:

Approximate variant for less favorable weather (2023):






Scan the QR code below, Escape route first to see the 2019 the Strava.
This year we continue working on them and cobblestone paths both the classical and in the rain so we have a permanent route, all year round, with directional markings, terminal distance and names thematic segments.
The most likely route is good weather above.

Video description of 2017 route prepared for bad weather so if you go out to choose alternatives portrivite.


Statistics paths for each type of route chosen. Basically just for bad weather 15% unpaved forest trail in 4 segments (boar – Baneasa – 1km, crocodile – 1,2km, Before CP9-700m, Last woods 5km)


Traseul Prima Evadare marcat cu banda portocalie CST

The Press Evadare I have a double standard marking: with tape and arrows, pink dots and Xs. Banda “CST” about trees confirm route, is made less where you do not have other options and immediately after the false branch. Arrow indicates change of direction, the pink dot confirms that you are on the right route, and X-the pink wrong and forbidden road. If you turn to the last marking error. Be careful, sometimes certain markings can be stolen or deleted, and that's why it's good to do the training and reconnaissance of the route beforehand, get used to the area and pay attention to our information (site, mail, whatsapp, facebook) and at the technical meeting.

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