Home / Approach to protect the forests

Approach to protect the forests

Beloved, the time has come for each of us to do something for the remaining forests and paths from Codrii Vlasiei, for this vast natural and historical monument, where we can always discover something interesting, for the forests closest to the house.

We organized ourselves in the civic group Save Codrii Vlasiei which aims to protect the forests in Bucharest – Ilfov, their transformation from production forests with major fellings, in protection forests – with social and environmental functions. The group also aims to transform them into protected natural areas to visit, in which to learn what nature is, to admire and give back fresh air and all the other benefits.
It's time for us to be brothers with the forest, not just the forest brother with the Romanian. It is time to do something to protect and save him.

So we created this group where we invite you to join if you are sensitive to the subject and if you can bring your input.
In the group you will be able to see more detailed objectives.

A first step is the letter below that we want to send from civil society, of environmental associations, sports, yours individually, so let's do this first forest conservation transformation until we can include them in protected natural areas.

The letter is below and those who support it, either individually or as an organization, you are invited to complete this simple form.

Dear Minister,

Given the desire of the communities of Ilfov and Bucharest to preserve the forests especially for leisure, their importance for health, social purpose, ensuring ecological balance, protection of habitats and species and to ensure recreational functions, we ask you to order the necessary measures for the reclassification of these forests in Group I. – forests with special protection functions, as is their real function.

In January of this year, you stated that the forests around Bucharest will be taken out of production and put into protection until March. Unfortunately so far, the 6 months after the statement, this did not happen. On the contrary, the situation has deteriorated, with accelerated cutting and even the destruction of paths. In different forms and with different justifications, it is cut in the Tunari Forest, extension of Băneasa Forest, in the forests between Baloteşti, mill Vlasiei, in the forests of Corbeanca, Mocanului Valley and Snagov Forest where the nature reserve should be expanded. Also, all the paths from Băneasa Forest were shown twice, destroying the paths used by citizens to move outdoors, as well as the green path that connects Bucharest with Snagov, so cyclists can no longer reach the northern forests. All these unjustified practices are old measures of harassment of communities, which have these forests in their localities, they are basically a lever that is used by different forest managers to obstruct outdoor movement lovers for many years.

In light of the above, as a result of the latest work to cut down and destroy forest trails, we inform you that the civic group Salvați Codrii Vlăsiei has been established, consisting of individuals, local communities, associations and legal entities, with a view to taking all necessary action to stop abuses and aggressive logging in these historic forests of great national and local importance and to designate them as protected natural areas. At this point, they are framed and treated more as production forests instead of protection.
We consider that, in accordance with the Technical Norms for forest management, approved by MAPPM Order no. 1652/2000, they meet the criteria to be included in group I – forests with special protection functions. We know that all the forests in UP II Băneasa, Surface of 437,45 he has, were classified in Group I - forests with special protection functions, category 1.4.a –
Arboretums formed in park forests, recreational parks, thematic or educational (T.II), but we want the entire forest area in Bucharest and Ilfov to be included in this group.

To support communities, we bring to your attention the following measures, which we consider that the authorities with attributions in the field, local and central, must implement them urgently:

  1. Stopping the deforestation in Bucharest and Ilfov and returning them to the category of forests with special protection functions, as it should actually be and as you have claimed and as provided in the specialized legislation, or any legislative action to stop these cuts.
  2. Creating a category of urban and peri-urban forests, in which to frame the forests near the large urban agglomerations, whose main purpose is to be recreational, educational, spending free time in nature in a healthy way, to ensure a healthy microclimate for cities and to allow only interventions to remove hazards to visitors.
  3. Creation of the Codrii Vlăsiei Natural Park and connection of the existing protected areas, of forests and lakes through green corridors and tourist routes, unpaved pedestrian and bicycle paths.
  4. The introduction in the specific legislation of the obligation to organize a public debate for any cutting intervention, with the participation of civil society, community and stakeholders, as should happen in a transparent administration and as the international FSC standard obliges Romsilva to do so, but it doesn't happen.
  5. Prohibition of the destruction of tourist or normal paths, used for leisure and routes linking different villages, monasteries, palaces and tourist and natural areas in Bucharest and Ilfov. The paths are protected and useful for access and intervention in case of fire, as specified in the ISU regulations and technical forestry regulations.
  6. Maintaining and declaring roads near lakes and forest paths and roads as public access roads for pedestrian or bicycle recreation, with the prohibition of motorized access.

Current European policy through the European Green Pact, also signed by Romania, reaffirms the important role of forestry and urban and peri-urban biodiversity in combating the effects of the climate change crisis. These forests are much more valuable from the perspective of providing ecosystem services than from the perspective of timber exploitation..

Because, we need to get out of the paradigm of cheap exploitation of this valuable resource, from the paradigm of cheap and barbaric felling of the forest to set it on fire and align with European requirements and desideratum, and, especially, the wishes of the local community.

We also mention that these forests are FSC certified, international standard obtained by Romsilva, which provides for the obligation to consult local communities on how they are managed, as well as to ensure their free access to the forest. All this standard stipulates the identification and protection of forests with high conservation value from a cultural perspective, green, special economic or religious, identified in collaboration with the local population. The FSC standard also provides that the management plan (forest management) it must be public and publicly debated, which has not happened so far.

Relying on your good faith and professionalism., on the fact that you will fulfill your promise, we hope that you will respond to the requests expressed in this letter, not only textually, but also practical, such that, both the affected community, as well as the authorities involved to benefit equally from what the forests still standing near the largest urban agglomeration of Romania can offer. At the same time, we are willing to support you voluntarily in any initiative that will contribute to the urgent solution of the reported problems and to discuss these specific unresolved issues., so as to ensure together a right guaranteed by the Romanian Constitution – the right to a healthy environment,
as provided Art. 35:

(1) The state recognizes the right of every person to a healthy and ecologically balanced environment.
(2) The state provides the legislative framework for the exercise of this right.
(3) Natural and legal persons have a duty to protect and improve the environment.

Cu stima,

Organizations that support the approach
(until this moment)

The community of Tunari inhabitants
Snagov Community Civic Group – Snagov's reality
Balotesti Citizen Association
The GreenField community – Baneasa
Active Corbeanca Civic Association
Otopeni Social Community
Local Community Plus Snagov
Tunari City Hall
Snagov Foundation
EcoCivica Foundation
Salvati Codrii Vlasiei Civic Group
Kogayon Association
Roman Alpine Club
Tunari Environmental Group Association
Edenland Park
Bucharest Forest – agregat civic
NoMad Multisport Association
Pleasure Run Association
CarpatBike Association
OnAdventure Association
Sports Association at Any Age
HaicuBicla Association
Rosu Aprins Association
Go4Fun Romania Association
People for Sport Association
Apex Association
Code Noir Style
Surmont Sports Club Association

The people who support the approach:
Florin Stoican – the president of the Vacaresti Natural Park
Alex Gavan – climber and environmental activist
Allen Coliban – senator
Tudor Pop – deputat
Catalin Doscas – journalist
Ion Marian – City Manager Tunari
Anghel Mihai – Local Councilor Snagov
Daniel Sărdan – environmental specialist and organizer of the First Escape
Dan Mazilu – Editor Freerider
Theodor Manolache
Ion Gruea
Emma Alina Brahas
Florian Raducanu
Silvia Morosanu
Petru Calni Pantea
Ana Maria Ranta
Mihai Catalin Anton
Oana Soare
Marius Toderica
Iuliana Ionescu
Narcis Costache
Cristian Schnider
Mihaela Lungu
Eugen Pluti
Cristian Crangasu Brencea
Irina Cantacuzu
Ion Nita
Radu Eminian Ghenuche
Eduard Oprea
Marius Neacsa
Gabriela Poiana
Stefan Dragos Baciu
Ilioiu Dragos
Dragos Svincu
Constantin Turmac
Daniel Dragomir
Ionut Maftei
Mircea Alexandru
Mihai Denes
Catalina Catescu
Oana Soare
Doru Oprea
Bogdan Sorin
Jan Cristian
Serban Ovidiu Goran
Postelnicu Marius
Wagner Marian
Dragomir Carmen
Barascu Dominic
Dorneanu Claudian
Livia Roșca
Diaconescu Marius
Smolschi Simona
Razvan Circus
Titei Cristina
Laurentiu stopped
Stanescu Dinu George
Radu Teodorescu
Ilinca Gheorghe Eduard
Petre Dan
Kovaci Angela
Ice Viorel
Balan Radu
Florescu Angel
Sandu Dorin
Adina Badea
Matei Cristina
Zaharia Daniela
Florescu Mirela
Florina Ștefana Niță
Catalin Ghita
Alexandru Valentina
Adrian Ionita
Stan Speranta Monica
Ilie Ionut
Edgar Nistor
Marin Marian
Paraschiv Andrei
Georgescu Constantin Daniel
Graur Marian Costel
Litvinchevici Laurentiu
Oana Turturică
Roxana Bogdan
Radut George Bogdan
Chiriac Gabriela
Dan Dumitrica
Profiroiu Daniela
Darlau Cătălin
Jugănaru Cătălin
Lucian Al Marii
Solomon Oana
Gabriel Solomon
Draghici Daniela
Daniela Dragomanu
Martoiu Alexandra
Ioana popescu
Denisa Niculae
Scrobote Simona Andreea
Bogdan Albei
Stefanescu Claudia
Diana Gruita
Fortune Nicolae
Bîrnoiu Florin Sorin
marian tudor
Ilie Razvan
Monica Paunescu
Magor Csibi
Haita Cristina
Antonescu Bogdan
Gelu Cosmin
Sidea Tudor
Nistor Alexandru
Paraschiv Alin-Fernando
Drula Dorin
Vasile Razvan
Doscaș Cătălin
George Edward Dirca
Tudoran Gabriel
Florea Nicolae
Gabriel Carbunaru
Severus earring
Bogdan Adrian
Elena Fodor
Uricariu Stefan
Veliscu Mihai Radu
Laszlo Andra
Prada Elena Maria
Ravescu Daniela
Madalina's mouth
Cristina Oprea
Andrei Trif
Alina Iofciulescu
tudoras daniela
Ghenovici Radu
Oana Boureanu
Ionut Dragomanu
Costea Stefan
Calota Calin
Ciocotișan Ioana
Bogdan Georgescu
Coman Victor Felix
Vlad Florin
Petrescu Cintia
Alexandra Radut
Udeanu Catalin
Marinescu Ion
Cătălin Luțu
Anghel Violeta
Constantinescu maria
Tibulca Corina
Stoican Cristina
Maria Adina
Oana Botnari
Andreia Petcu
Titei Doina
Schuster Anne-Marie
Stefan vasile
Andreea Caragea
Stan Catalin Ioan
Mariana Mihaela Tilea
Gabriela Vulcan
Dragoș Costian
Gabriela Galusca
Fusea Georgica
Leucuta Florentinis
Stefan Cristina Florentina
Bira Diana
Tobă Bogdan
Tamas Sorin
Valentina Dumitru
Pana Teodora
Military Laura
Popescu Miklos Emanuel
And Climov
Maria Campean
Stan Lucian
Coldea Ionela
Burlacu Adriana
Pal Mariana
Cristian Leonte
Ignat Adrian
Darabana Delia
Gabriel Adolf Dan
Nuta Niculina Liliana
Sandoiu Vlaicu Nicusor
Dochiu Adrian Nicolae
Ancuta Letitia Florina
Valentin Cornila
Ioana Manea
Lungu Andreia
Chirițescu Mirela Liliana
Stoian George
Trusca Cristina
Marmandiu Carmina
Popescu Stefan Andrei
Costache Olguta
Gican Claudia
Adriana Harcea
Sandu Marian
Mateescu Bogdan
Pascariu Corina
Anton Mihaela
Banciu Ion
Ungureanu Dragos
Ciubotaru Robert
Quysner Veronica
Jan Alina
Gheorghe Elena
Catalin Rusu
Mihalache Bogdan
Bucur Constanța
Sprinceana Mihai
Barbu Florentina Georgiana
Panait Catalin
Brega Oleg
Jula Sorin
Goia Doina
Lungu Ymuran
Manea Alexandru-Marius
Marin Nicoleta
Alexandru George Duduman
Victor Carja
Ventoniuc Mihai
Claudiu Braneanu
Micu Ilinca-Maria
Daniela Niculae
Costache Razvan
Gurban Diana Maria
Postolache Vladimir
Racoveanu Emil
And Chiriac
Ioan Roman
Oroviceanu Aurelia
forsea mihai
Nicoară Alexandru
Mitrache Irina Corina
Covaliu Otilia
Udrea Alina Elena
Subtirica Glicheria
Serghei Dumitrescu
Ionut George
Nicolescu Ioana
Adina Ursu
Bogdan Papuc
Daniela Stoican
Filip George Nicușor
Stroe Victor Ionut
Stoicescu Alice
Florentina Daniela Stoica
Bosneaga Alina
Bucerzan Cosmin – Gabriel
Leciu Robert Marian
Tiberiu Macaveiu
Iulia Raduta
Neagu Bogdan
Marin Dascalu
Paduraru Gina
Istvan Zsolt Toth
Alexandra Nicolau
Iamandescu Camil
Alexandru Tunaru
Alexandru Amalia
Shepherd Dorina
Neacsu Valentin
Tănăsescu Nicolae-Valentin
Petrescu Vlad Mihai
Popescu Catalin
Ion Ilie
Vieru Gabriel
Ionita Ioana
Tomulescu Alexandru
Carare Alexandru
Silviu Chirila
Octavian Eremia
Good Vladimir
Tudosa Caesar
Olteanu Gabriel
Olteanu Alexandru
Mihai Cosmin
Costi Iulia Camelia
Pintea Grigore

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