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Photos First Escape 10 more 2015 Cristian Vasile IGU (5)


Photos from First Escape – 19 more 2024 they are uploaded on Facebook and soon you can find yourself in the pictures just by entering the competition number. Click here.

Cristian Vasile – helicopter 2024

Bogdan Buda – selection – set 1

Traian Olinici – ATV

Silviu Pavel selection

Ionut Daniel Manolache – crocodile – set1 set2 set3

Adrian Nitoiu – Start

Registrations, Friday – Andreea Cuculescu

Sign up Gabi – Friday

This page will centralize the photos resulting from the First Escape event – . In paralel, if si vor hooker facebook page. 21 more 2023

Cristian Vasile – helicopter selection

Ana Maria Serban – entry Friday Saturday

Traian Olinici – selection ATV

Bogdan Buda – opening car Dacia

Adi Piclisant – start, route, finished

Silviu Pavel – route selection

Press Evadare – 19 More 2019 – for your photos from the contest click here.

Results LIVE

Cristian Vasile helicopter. Set 1 Set 2 Set 3

Mihai Stetcu – ATV Set 1

Trifu Ion – Set 1 Set 2

www.2eyes.ro Set 1

Andrei Zafiu – Selection of photos, Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

Bogdan Grigore Set 1

Pictures Calin Mihailescu – Set 1

Adrian Dobrisan – set 1 Set 2 Set 3

Chok Balint – Set 1

Press Evadare – 20 More 2018

Cristian Vasile – helicopter set1, set 2

David George – ATV – set 1, set 2

Coke Balint set 1

Andrei Zafiu – Photo from registration set 1, set 2, set 3.

Press Evadare – 21 more 2017

Cristian Vasile – Photo from helicopter

Traian Olinici – ATV

Marcel Lucian

Florian Raducanu

Sorin Bobe

Olteanu Sorin

Octavian Mihai Dragasanu

Dan Staicu set1 set2

Zamfir Marius set1 set2

Andrei Zafiu set1 set2 set3 set4

Catalin Gradinariu

Iuliana Ruxandra

Ionut Chiru set1 set2 set3

Mircea Oculeanu set1 set2

Sima Nicolae

Bogdan Dobrescu set1 set2 set3

Registration 18more, 19more, 20more.

Press Evadare – 8 more 2016

Cristian Vasile – helicopter

Stefan Constantin – helicopter

Bogdan Buda – Photo ATV

Delia Simon – spyder photo finish


Traian Olinici

Ghita Gariel

Ionut Dumitru

Cosmin Ionescu

Bondrea Nicoleta

Dan Staicu

Maxim Albert

Alex Moise

Oana Ursescu

Radu Cristi set1, set2, set3, set4, set5, set6, set7

Dan Stanila

George Oprea

Victor Cosmaciuc

Nitu Florin

Liviu Barsan

Sorin Olteanu

brandusa Mutoiu

Miruna Haidu

Marius Zamfir set 1, set2, set3

Verona Popescu

Ramona Dinu

Radu Mihaescu

Gabriela Marin set1, set2, set3, set4

Press Evadare 2015

Photos taken from helicopter – Mihai Stetcu – 85
Photos taken by Cristian Vasile, coordinator Photo contestalbum being updated – 226
Photo: Florian RaducanuATV – 686
Photo: Bogdan Buda – 15
Photos from BCR partners – 319
Photo: Alexandru Ovidiu Moses – set1 – 1000, set2 – 1000, set3 – 466 Photo by all competitors
Photo: Ionut Dumitru – 79
Photo: FreeRider.Ro set1 – 122, set2 – 257, set3 – 242
Photo: David George – 402
Photo: 2eyes.roset1 – 254, set2 – 447
Photo: Luiza Tamas – 206
Photo: Here Marius – 296
Photo: Mihai Lupu – 723
Radu Cristi – set1 -1000, set 2 – 1000, set3 – 1000, set4 – 1000, set5 – 1000, set6 – 1000, set7 – 993 Photo by all competitors
Photo: Luiza Tamas – 208
Photo: Cosmin Ionescu – 93
Photo: Cristian Cochina – set1 – 995, set2 – 773, set3 – 950, set4 – 576Photo by all competitors
Photo: Manciu Romeo – set1 – 36, set 2 – 922, set3 – 294
Photo: Stephen Uricariu – 121
Photo: Ileana B. Voiculescu – 70 – premiere
Photo: Tudor Stanica – 329
Photo: Cristian Saulean – 665
Photo: Delia Simon – 300
Photo: Bogdan ZOP – 238
Photo: PhotoMemoriesset1 – 996, set2 – 500, set3 – 521
Photo: Alexandru George – 694
Photo: Sorin Olteanu – 347
Photo: Bogdan Udroiu – 664
Photo: Oana Ursascu – 418
Photo: Laura Ionescu – 367
Photo: Rods Ionut – 88
Photo Fulga Radu – 204
Photo: Diana Oros – 418
Photo: Maxim Albert – 169
Photo: GT Photo – 873
Photo: Accommodation – set1 – 242, set2 – 292, set3 – 321

Photos from registrations – Press Evadare 10 more 2015

Photo: David George – Entry – 70
Mircea Vlasceanu
6 more 2015
7 more 2015
8 more 2015
9 more 2015

Pictures from Prma Escape 2014 helicopter made by Michael Stetcu – 92


A short selection of pictures taken by Cristian Vasile (trerestre troops ATV) – 226

Cristian Vasile evafdare first photo

Alex Moise set 1 – 1000, set 2 – 943, set3 – 1000, set 4 – 1000, set 5 – 331

Moses first photographer alex pictures getaway, imagery, photographs

Dinca Marius Ionut – 312 pictures

Dinca Marius Ionut photographer First Escape

Alin Obaciu pictures taken on arrival – set 1 – 1000, set 2 – 295

Alin Obaciu

Cristian Paunica – 113

pictures images first escape

Dragos Plesuvescu – 78

Dragos Photo Plesuvescu first escape wallpaper nomad

Andrei Hobeanu – 701 pictures

Andrei Hobeanu first photographer to escape

Dan Mazilu – dirtbike.ro – 477 pictures

Dan Mazilu first photographer to escape - dirtbike.ro

Bogdan Serban – 632 pictures

Bogdan Serban first photographer to escape photos, imagery, Photos from the first escape

Here Marius – 102 pictures

Marius Burda first photographer to escape photos, imagery, photographs

high-5.ro – 1000 pictures

high-5.ro photos from the first escape

Bogdan Anghel 232 pictures

Bogdan Anghel first photographer to escape

Alexandru George 251 pictures

Alexandru George photographer at first escape, pictures, imagery, Photos from the first escape

Sebastian Ghita 235 pictures

Sebastian Ghita first photographer to escape, pictures, imagery, Photos from the first escape

Victor Sasu set1 – 653, set2 – 362

Victor Sasu first photographer to escape

Vataman Radu Cristian se1 – 1000, set2 – 998, set3 – 1000, set4 – 999, set5 – 768

Radu Cristian photographer Vataman first escape

Tudor Stanica 169

Tudor Stanica first photographer to escape

Sorin Olteanu – 941

Sorin Olteanu first photographer to escape

Saulean Cristian set1 – 1000, set2 – 1000, set3 – 940, set4 – 1000, set5 – 769

Cristian Saulean first photographer to escape

Razvan Dumitriu set1 – 998,set2 – 588

Razvan Dumitriu first photographer to escape

Radioamator 943

radio amator

Razvan Oprea-Balais 409

Photographer Razvan Oprea-Balais first escape

Octavian Mihai 120

Octavian Mihai photographer first escape

Ion Trifu – 934

Ion Trifu first photographer to escape

hellofoto.ro – 30


George Isfan – 312

George Isfan fotograf la prima evadare

George David – 381

George David Photographer first escape

Diana Raluca Orosa – 174

Diana Raluca Oros first photographer to escape

Cristina Iftemi – 217

Cristina Iftemi first photographer to escape

Bogdan Buda – 40

Bogdan Buda photographer first escape

Bike Time – 566

Bike Time

Adrian Gaz – 143

Gas photographer Adrian first escape

Vlad Ilas – 137

Photographer Vlad Ilas first escape

Marius Tudose – 191

Marius Tudose first photographer to escape

Dragos Ticu set1 – 584, set2 – 984, set3 – 542

Dragos Ticu first photographer to escape


Pictures from the official recognition of the route first Escape:

Photos from the organizers – Nomad Multisport.
Catalin Negrila 299 of peace one article on the site.
CP5 – Adina Adam
Vlad Chiriloiu
Daniel Trandafir 61 pictures
Dinu Marius Iordache
Romania Insights

Pictures Home Escape 12 more 2013

Photo from helicopterMihai Stetcu

Preparations & RegistrationStelian Pavalache

Stelian Pavalache Gallery – 37 photographs (still adds photos)

Alin Popescu noutatifoto.ro – article, Asked Picasa, galerie facebook 868 super photos

Inscrieri si workshop fotoFlorian Raducanu

Photos on ATVFlorian Raducanu

Photos from photo panel finish – Simona Gherghina 318 pictures

Registration and packet pickup homeGeorge David – 146 pictures

George David – Gallery 332

Cristian Preda articulation is poze fotografiedesport

FreeRider Gallery 1, Gallery 2, Gallery 3, Gallery 4

Ortansa Sotropa – Gallery 259 photographs

Bogdan Buda – Gallery 163 pictures, Gallery 75fotografii

Toma Nedelea – Gallery 132 imagery

Ioana Simen – facebook one picasa

Manciu Romeo – Gallery 196

Valentin Alexandroae – CP8 (km 40) SET 1 (1000) CP8 (km 40) SET 2 (779)

Dragos Tinta – 142 pictures

Catalin GradinariuGallery – 277 photographs

Ciprian Mount – Gallery – 236

Road bike – before start – 46, CP5 – 920

Catalin Negrila – Gallery – 1000, gallery 35 and on site 1 one 2

Floroiu Petrut Ionut – Gallery 108 pictures

Razvan Dumitriu – Gallery 1000 pictures

Sasu Victor –Gallery – 567pictures

Vlad Craioveanu – Gallery – 28 pictures

Valentin Valeanu – Gallery – 50 pictures

Dragos Barbulescu-Andrei – Gallery – 213

Crisanta Maciuceanu – Gallery – 70

Vlad Georgescu – Gallery – 630

Ciufu Marius – Gallery – 43

Bogdan Buda – Gallery – 251

Ioana Rusu – Gallery – 91

Ciprian tanasa – Gallery – 556

Alexander Corneanu – Gallery – 97

Vataman Radu Cristian – Gallery – 1000 Gallery – 631

Ileana Buruianu – Gallery – 728

Floroiu Petrut Ionut – Gallery – 98

Haidu Miruna – Gallery – 1000 Gallery – 105

Cherestes Janos – Gallery – 424

Radu Ioan brow – Gallery – 1001

Silvia Dinu – Gallery – 690

Cristina Iftemi – Gallery – 76

Alexandru Razvan Dumitrascu – Gallery – 82

Catalin Fuioaga – Gallery 1000, Gallery 1000, Gallery 480 (about all competitors)

Cristian Dutan – Gallery 1001, Gallery 1001, Gallery 1000, Gallery 208 (about all competitors)

Cristi Musashi – Gallery 133


Pictures Home Escape 13 more 2012

First Select Photo – Stelian Pavalache

Ortansa Sotropa

Ioana Simen – facebook set 1 set2 eg you picasa start, traseu if the firstarrival

Florian Raducanu – www.florianraducanu.blogspot.com si pe facebook set1 set2

Daniel Toma – facebook

Ciprian Mountset1

Foto Kerucov

Foto Paul Dragan – start

Foto Paul Dragan – CP5 – near the airport

Foto Paul Dragan – Arrival

Foto Adrian Pitulac – facebook 558

Photo Catalin Negrila set1 set2

Foto David George facebook 702 one picasa

Photo Marius Pop set1 set2

Foto Cherestes Janos 380pictures

Foto Catalin Fuioaga set1 set2

Foto Bogdan Tudor Sarbu 593pictures

Cristian Dutan – set1 set2 set3

Photo Simona Smolschi – set1 set2 set3

Foto Mihai Tilvan – set1

Photo Vlad Nicolcea – facebook one picasa

Foto Titel Leontin – set1 set2

Photo of Ioana Larisa-Balta – set1

Foto Bogdan Mita – set1

Photo Daniel Vrabioiu set1

Photo Camenita Cristian The 300 made of premium Evadare si pe facebook

Magda Photo Tools set1

Photo Alexander Nicholas set1

Photo Elena Preotu set1

Foto Vlad Georgescu set1

Photo Silvia Dinu set1

Foto Ion Trifu set1

Photo Cornel Ardeleanu picasa set1 set 2 si pe facebook set1 (falls in the mud)

Foto Bogdan Iordache picasa set1 si pe facebook set1

Photo Daniel Trandafir set1

Foto Maria Bretan set1

Foto Simona Gherghina set1 – Asked Panou Finnish set2

An abstract photo / video story made the Top Ten:

A selection of pictures from 2011 can view HERE

There were pictures of centralized 2011. Please if you can climb and transfer pictures, send an email and we post them so to enjoy maximum size, dam zum zum…

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