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Rules '11

Total distance to be traveled in maximum 5 hours. In exceptional cases as in 2010 time limit is extended.
Basically minimum age for participation in Press Evadare East 18 year. People can participate between 15 one 17 years with the written consent of parents and their presence at enrollment. Participation of children in 15 years can be made in special cases they have enough experience in consultation / decision of the organizers and only accompanied by one parent throughout the route they compete in the category of family.
Competitors will set the race number that was presented in front of the bicycle handlebar during the whole (even after:)
All bicycles used in Press Evadare be propelled only by human force.
Bicycles are accepted profile mtb, and tandem-mtb race in good state, they compete in different categories
Wearing helmet is mandatory.
Replacing components during the competition is permitted.
Organizers are exempt from liability if the public during the race deteriorates markings guide.
Each participant is obliged to follow the guidance of the Commissioner of the route and police authorities. In places where they are not, reguamentele observe movement and to exercise caution.
Conditions that attract disqualification:
Failure to observe the route entirely or shortness of.
Failure helmet during competition.
Uncompromising Fair Play against competitors or organizers.
Using aid from outside competition (use of motor vehicles or motorcycles ... etc).
Change bike during competition.
!!!Abandoning packaging or other waste route. They can be left in the 2 Power points.
Disqualifications can be made after the contest after viewing pictures, movies, or referral to other competitors based.
Cans or bottles of water (preferably be placed within reach on bike racks)
Glasses (en, Insect protection, crengilor, mud and dust)
Pump, dressing room, patches for UP si leviere.
Mobile Phone.
Participants should have at least 2 outputs workout before preferred terrain.
During the competition organizers ensure:
and signs marking the route with tape
check points and areas of food at home, route and destination
ambulances at home, finish and some points on the track
prize money and equipment, cups and medals

In case of withdrawal from race rate of participation not going be returned.

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