Home / Movie / Your video IREWIND ® from First Escape 2014

Your video IREWIND ® from First Escape 2014


irw_app_icon Felicitari pentru participarea la Prima Evadare!  Pentru zambetul pe care probabil il aveti  gandindu-va la ziua de ieri, prietenii nost

Congratulations to participate in First Escape!

For the smile you probably have it worrying about yesterday, our friends at IREWIND® allows you to see your own movie sequences the route.
To see the film:
2. Become a username: primaevadare followed by competition number without space between them (if you had the number 23 username is primaevadare23) is the word: pe2014
If you want to see videos of other friends who attended, number you can register to participate.
Enjoy the moments spent and show them all how cool was!
Nomad Multisport Team & IREWIND®

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