The biggest MTB marathon in Romania and South East Europe, Press Evadare, will be held on 18 more 2025! UPDATE – Plan change - the first escape moves on 25 more 2025! Prima Evadare is a cross-country cycling race by 55 km between Bucharest and Snagov and promises a unique experience for both amateur and professional cyclists. ...
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Good news
Today, Wednesday, 10 more, a meeting took place at the Romsilva headquarters, between Romsilva representatives, Romsilva Ilfov, Ministry of the Environment, Apelor si Padurilor and the organizers of the Prima Evadare MTB cycling contest. This meeting was aimed at the good organization of the event and the resolution of the disputes that have arisen lately, to give, in the end, the support and involvement of all parties for a successful event. We appreciate ...
Read More »Teaser Press Evadare – 8 more 2016
Road training for First Escape or First exit after Easter :)
Monday 21 April, because I delayed reconnaissance, I made a road out, probably the largest training :), went back to the Snagov Monastery 80km Căldăruşani TDS = Tour de Snagov. Such a cool gang of about 300 cyclists, I wandered the roads of northern Bucharest and we relaxed on the beach in Astoria. Most drivers were courteous ...
Read More »Statistical 2011
Thanks additions in your registration form we managed to make some statistics that each year. The first one is “Top 25 marks in the original Escape 2011” and is based on the 1554 Online registrations. As in the rest of the first editions 3 places are occupied by the same Cube, Merida si Trek, but in a different order front ...
Read More »Top 25 bicycle brands in the original Escape 2010
There is almost a month to First Escape. We started preparing all - competitors, sponsors, organizers and some authorities. In these weeks we will keep you updated with what's going on and gradually, gradually we will provide all the information. So then I made a top 25 of bicycle brands that participated in the first ...
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