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Update from the Route

The route is ready, it's almost perfect. I removed the trash from the route, I cobbled, i cut the grass, I repaired the bridges, it is marked in all its variants so that we just change to be ready for anything. Update from the RouteYou can go through it any day. We are still making small improvements.


Even if the weather forecast is very good and the current condition of the route is perfect, we paved segments that could have been vulnerable in the first part of the route.

Start it has changed a little, as in the attached sketch. The pre-selection zig-zag loop in Băneasa has been shortened and it will go around the Greenfield neighborhood on the right through the woods and the new houses on a gravel road, as they say, and the new sports disciplines that are suitable for many sections of the route.
In the new version from the Baneasa forest, we also have a segment of cubic stone called Paris-Roubaix segment from another of our competitions.
To the belt we have after the forest 2 variant. A backup cobblestone and a currently marked grass one. The belt will cross through the same place, although there is still a place prepared for reserve, To the right, Easier, used by those who walk the route the rest of the days.

The fort looks great, the base bridge and the reserve bridge are ready. It is a little covered in vegetation, but when you enter you can see its facade, to the right out of the corner of your eye and then climb on its crown, in continue.

The path next to Philip Morris, the one near the forest, it's ready to be cleaned, it still needs to be raked, she looks gorgeous too. As a reserve for the situation in which the flow of escapees will be greater, we will also open its wider version, by the fence.
The grass road in front of the barn is also beautiful.
sheepfold and in Otopeni and near the airport, at the famous km 14 I paved until the county road. Even if in the area of ​​the barn where it was built, some of the natural beauty has been lost, it is compensated by the superb countryside landscape, de lanuri de grau ca din Gladiatorul 😛 si cu drumuri șerpuite, cu iarba pe mijloc, printre culturile verzi si diverse.

După Aeroport varianta clasică de vreme buna face dreapta stanga pe șosea și cea de ploaie face stanga apoi dreapta la calea ferata pe sub stalpii de telegraf.

Pe varianta clasică se merge standard pana la noua centura A0 a Bucurestiului care se traverseaza cu ajutorul celor care construiesc si care vor amenaja rampa de urcare si coborare. Acum sunt deja marcaje și poate fi traversata. În ziua concursului nu se va lucra la centura.

După centura se parcurg iar drumurile clasice de camp. În apropiere de sat drumul o sa fie de pietris și apoi de asfalt. It will pass in front of the Ancuta farm where there may be visitors and we ask you to pay attention there.

You pass through the courtyard of the Ghica palace and through the fuel point and you reach the lake.
The road next to the lake has survived and still retains the stone laid by us in past editions.
Towards the end, it leaves the road on a path, newer, through vegetation, and you get out on the road at Laguna Verde, from where you go up to the forest and where is the fueling point for the teams or any competitor who needs fuel from the family, friends.
There, on the easy asphalt climb, families can wait for you and give you everything you need, including encouragement. După care pot reveni în alt punct pe traseu sau la finish.

In padure, deși unitatea prin apropierea careia trecem ne primește cu brațele deschise și amabilitate, o sa intrăm în poteca puțin diferit, prin stanga barierelor ca sa nu-i deranjam înaintea concursului cu ridicatul barierelor.
În ziua concursului dacă vedeți acest check point militar sa stiti ca ne ajuta nu ne incurca.
Se traversează pădurea și se iese în apropierea Edenland unde exista un pod de lemn peste o apa geotermala cu miros de sulf. Si acesta este bun, nu-i rau desi are un miros de apa din Herculane 😛
After the bridge there is CP7 and then the classic segment “La Crocodili” with water and crocodiles in the middle of the road and detours on the side.
From this segment you enter the wide stone road, among the woods, road that towards the end has the second supply point where scouts are waiting for you with water, banana, Wafer, isotonic SIS.
You leave the forest on a slalom path next to the Vlăsia river, go over the grass dam, over the railway, past the centuries-old oaks and you reach "La Elefanti" from where there is an area more intensively used by exploitations and then you take the CP9 crossing near Casa Vlăsiei.
It returns to the stone roads and then the "famous" trail km 7 which looks gorgeous and, this time, it is indestructible and good for any type of weather. He consolidated from the passes, it still has leaves, it has areas with a feeling of a slide, it has tunnel-like areas of vegetation after they have been cleared.
Cross the road at CP10 then enter an open space followed by a tunnel of vegetation that exits at the Snagov station with its warehouses on the right used in many films and with multiple crossings over the railway tracks. From here in one km you reach the finish. First on a road segment then on a forester who continued the road, he enters through the fence, to music and the rest of the world.

The arrival is also a unique moment and you can enjoy it especially as you will have a photo there. Enjoy safely with attention to those around you. Invite your family to wait for you at the end. We also have 4 alternative food areas for companions.
You can also bring your blanket for the picnic or what you need to spend the rest of the day with your loved ones.
The bikes can be washed at the finish in the 18 Karcher washing points.
There is also service at other points on the route and at the finish. They can even be left at the service partner who can pick them up for you, repair, and bring home after repair.

The most likely route for good weather and which can be traveled now:

Approximate variant for less favorable weather:

About Florian Raducanu

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