La Prima Evadare 2013, for rarefied and the platoon after the start balancing introduced a loop road 3km wide. Thus the first part of 1.3km will be on Nightingale, are 3 gasoline you go fi total inchisa, the second part of the Vad Moldova (catre fort Zoo) are 2 bands and the same will be closed and returned to the initial entry Padina Alley has everything 2 petrol and give ingustata de vegetatie.
Details of the route are here. They got the latest version of the stripes and trak.
The settlement at the start of the first 500 is done in numerical order so please help neighbors platoon who positioned wrong. The allocation was made based on the outcome of last year and the recent so be as fluid first part of the squad and avoid blocking the first paths.
The trails were cleaned, latite, fallen trees in the path were moved.
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